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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet

I'll be appearing on Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Juliet on Thursday, September 25th at 9a.m. Central. I hope you'll tune in and then let me know what you think. Wish me luck!


  1. I just finished reading your book after it was recommended to me by a professional who mentions that the story is me to a "T". I couldn't put it down and I am not a reader, lol! It really was great as I saw myself through most of the book and am hoping that the insight you shared can help me in my relationship and help my husband understand me better. Can't wait to see you on the show tomorrow!

  2. Thank you so much for writing. It is always so nice to hear that the work has really spoken to someone. And thank you also for your support for this morning's show. It should be interesting!

    Wishing you all the best,

  3. Boy, they whipsawed you pretty quick. Good for you for holding up well. You've got guts.

    Here's what I'm putting up on my Polyamory in the News site:

    On Fox TV this morning, Jenny Block (author of Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage) got a minute or two to enthuse about her relationships to the skeptical hosts, followed by two people who called open marriage a plan for disaster because people can never control their emotions. (Editors' note: It's not about controlling your emotions, it's about controlling your actions.)

    The whole thing was fast, superficial, and I would say unhelpful. It was over before the idea that's at the heart of polyamory -- supporting your lover's other relationships, not just tolerating them -- could get onto the floor. Bleh.

    At least it may help sell Jenny's good book.

    Comments would be welcome!



  4. GO JENNY!

    I was so impressed with your open and respectful stance on the Morning Show. You shared your opinion and let others share theirs. I think you’re great!

  5. Typical... The hosts were respectful but gave you short shrift. The segment was entirely too short to address this topic properly. I also think the video teasers leading up to your segment were stereotypical and pandering and not entirely respectful of you or the idea of open relationships. And why do they keep equating open relationships with swinging? I know how easily one can be persuaded by media producers to agree to such things, so I don't fault you for it. Lesson learned?

    Again, no one blames monogamy for a failed marriage, but it's the openness that was the cause of failure in an open marriage. The other author blames the almost failure of her marriage to being open, not because there were issues of honesty and respect between her and her husband. But good on the hosts for asking the "expert" if open marriages ever work. She was hesitant to affirm that, showing her bias. And kudos to you for squeezing in the "thank you" at the end!

    When do you go on Oprah!?!

    Still following your career, still supportive, and still enjoying a successful open marriage myself.

  6. Hi-

    Thank you for all of your support! I really appreciate it!

