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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking for Questions for my Column

I'm looking for more questions to answer in my Quick column, "Sex Talk with Jenny Block." Please feel free to post them here or email them to me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Open on

Jessica Valenti has very graciously posted a chapter of "Open" on her website Be sure to check it out and join the conversation.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Cover of Quick is Mine!

I am so excited. My story about the amazing burlesque group the Lollie Bombs made the cover of Quick this week! Check it out here - "Welcome to Lolliewood."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Presents Your Lover Will Love

My sexy gift guide column hit the stands yesterday in the December 11, 2008 issue of Quick!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jenny B on Tyra Banks on YouTube

As many of you know, I was on the Tyra Banks Show in October. Well, the episode has finally made its way to Youtube. It was just a matter of time, I suppose! You can check it out here. Be sure to let me know what you think!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Open" on NPR's Morning Edition

My book was mentioned on NPR's Morning Edition. I am so excited. It was so weird to hear my name mentioned there. Check it out here. It's the second one down. Not a very long piece and the book is mentioned in the middle of the interview. Wow. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I made Rachel Kramer Bussel's Cupcake Blog!!

When I was in NYC, I met Rachel at Batch for fabulous cupcakes. Check out her blog entry about it here!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kenneth Cole comes to Dallas

I had the opportunity to interview Kenneth Cole last week and wrote pieces for and The Dallas Voice based on our conversation. He sent me a signed copy of his new book "Awearness" the very next day. You should check out this book. It's filled with inspirational essays and practical help how-to's from people affecting change in the world. Really amazing. Tomorrow night I get to meet him at Black Tie Dinner. Can't wait! 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Regina Lynn!

This week's "Sex Talk with Jenny Block" is up and out. It's called "Plugged into Sex and Technology" and is a Q & A with the fabulous Regina Lynn. Check it out. Email it to friends. Leave me a comment. Show me the love!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jenny B the Relationship Expert - on Fox!

Can you believe it? The usually very conservative Fox asked me to write and tape some video for them for their online magazine. You can check out the results by clicking on the topics below.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun On the Phone

I'm taking part in a really fun tele-seminar tomorrow night (Monday, November 17th) about opening up a relationship that's already underway. I hope you'll consider signing up, calling in, and joining the fun. Just click here to find out more or to register. 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's Your Kink?

My new Quick column is out and up. It's about this weekend's Dallas Fetish Ball. Should be very interesting...You can check out the article here

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Paperback Edition of Open

You can now pre-order the paperback edition of my book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage." The official relate date isn't until March, but I'm excited to see it up on Amazon just the same!

Of course, that means that you won't be able to get the book in hardcover once they're gone. And my publisher tells me we will likely be sold out by March. So get 'em while they're hot!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Twin Cities Talk Cheating

I was recently interviewed for a Pioneer Press piece that came out on Sunday. An interesting discussion ensued in the comments section of the online version. Polyamory and open marriage were not part of the piece. But they soon became part of the conversation. Check it out and chime in!

First Review of "One Big Happy Family"

I was thrilled when Rebecca Walker asked if she could include my writing in her new book "One Big Happy Family: 18 Writers Talk About Polyamory, Open Adoption, Mixed Marriage, Househusbandry, Single Motherhood, and Other Realities of Truly Modern Love." And now the first review is out. Publishers Weekly has spoken and they love it. The book comes out in February. I look forward to hearing what you think when it does. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Media!

Just wanted to share a few new things with you!

I have a new piece out about Rachel Kramer Bussel in my column "Sex Talk with Jenny Block." Check out "Sex up that sweet tooth." 

Yesterday (November 6th), I appeared on Good Morning Texas. You can check out the clip here.

And V for Vixen talked about my book "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" in the latest issue of "hour." You can find that piece by clicking here

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prop 8 is Prop Hate - My Latest Blog at HuffPo

Be sure to check out my latest Huff Po Blog about Prop 8 and the hate it will institutionalize if it's passed. 

If you live in California - vote "No" and if you have friends or family there, tell them to vote "no" too!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Column: Sex Talk With Jenny Block

It's official! I am now writing a weekly column for the Dallas Morning News Publication called Quick. Be sure to check out the premiere this week and check back every Thursday for new essays, reviews, Q & A's, and a whole lot more.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Your Tango

Tango Magazine is now and yours truly is featured in a new video on the site!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Curve Magazine

The best-selling lesbian magazine Curve did a really nice Q & A with me for their November issue. You can find it on all of your favorite newsstands now!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Poly Pride Day Speech

On Saturday, October 4th, I had the honor of speaking at Poly Pride Day in Central Park in New York City. If you want to check out my speech, you can find it here and here.

If you get the chance to read it, I hope you'll let me know what you think!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sarah Palin: The Next Mrs. Alaska?

I have a new piece about Sarah Palin up at in case you want to check it out. It's not book news, I know. But I thought this would be a good forum to share it just the same. Like minds and all.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Open" in The New York Times

Okay, so it wasn't the bestseller list or a review. But "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" was mentioned in the New York Times Sunday Styles section yesterday (October 5th) in a piece about polyamory. I was even in NYC at the time since I was speaking at Poly NYC's Picnic and Rally in Central Park, which was a blast!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jenny Block and "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" on The Tyra Banks Show

Well, the day is finally here. I taped the show in late August. But today, October 2, the Tyra Banks Show is airing the episode on Open Marriage on which I talk about my book "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage." You can see an "exclusive backstage clip" on their homepage. Be sure to leave me a note there if you stop by. And I would love to hear your thoughts on the show.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jenny Block and "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" on Mike and Juliet

I think things went pretty well on the Morning Show with Mike and Juliet today. Click the show name to see the clip. And be sure to let me know what you think!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet

I'll be appearing on Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Juliet on Thursday, September 25th at 9a.m. Central. I hope you'll tune in and then let me know what you think. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Poly Pride Weekend in NYC October 3 -5

Poly Pride Weekend is almost here. I hope those of you in the New York City area will come to hear me speak at the Picnic and Rally on Saturday, October 4th at 3:00 p.m. The Picnic is from noon to 6:00 p.m., and there is an amazing line-up of authors, speakers, and performers. So, plan to spend at least a few hours at the Great Hill in Central Park. I will also be reading at Bluestockings on Sunday, October 5 from 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m with other fabulous poly authors. And there's a Super Massive Cuddle Party on Friday night and an After Party Saturday night that are sure to be a blast. These are great events for anyone who is poly, poly-curious, or poly-supportive. I look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Open" on Seesmic

I apologize for seemingly disappearing into thin air. It was a crazy summer. But I'm back and promoting the book in even bigger and more exciting ways. More info on that to come. But, in the meantime, I wanted to share a web "interview" that I did as a guest of Rachel Joy on You can find it here, and you can even continue the conversation by recording a comment of your own!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker

My friend Suzanne Portnoy has published two eye-popping erotic memoirs that you have to read to believe. You can find them at a really interesting new website called Read and Review. 

Click here for my review of the first, "The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker" and here for the second, "The Not So Invisible Woman."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Press Rolls On with the Baltimore City Paper, WOW, and Tango

So, here's the latest news:

Heather Harris did a super piece for the Baltimore City Paper about "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage," including really great art. It's titled, "Redefining Intimacy."

Chynna Laird did a very generous Q & A for WOW - Women on Writing - called "Jenny Block: Open and Candid."

And Tango Magazine has excerpted the book - both Chapter Nine and Christopher's afterword.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that things will only get bigger and better from here. Thank you again for all of your support!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flamers and Lurkers and Trolls. Oh My!

Check out my latest blog post titled, Flamers and Lurkers and Trolls. Oh My! at 

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jenny Block, Fox News, and Open Marriage - Who Would Have Thought?

Much to my surprise and delight, Fox News included a mention about me and my new book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" in an interesting piece about reality shows and polyamory. The piece is titled, "Can You Be in Love With More Than One Person" and was written by Yvonne K. Fulbright. I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Hook and The House

I am finally on the East Coast! I can hardly believe it. It's been a year since I've been back in Virginia. I had a great time last night doing a reading at Writer House in Charlottesville. The Hook was generous enough to do a really nice piece about "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" and about the event. Thank you to Burnley Hayes and all of my new Writer House friends for having me.

And I also had a fabulous time in Austin, Texas on Wednesday appearing at Book People. Thank you so much to Karen Kreps for inviting me. It was an amazing turn-out. Interestingly, about 80% of the crowd raised their hands when Karen asked the group if anyone was in a polyamorous relationship. It was great fun to be part of the "out" majority for a change! Thank you also to Allison for blogging about it for her site WomenBloom.

Lots of radio and print media coming up, so be on the lookout!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Punishment for being HIV-Positive

This only takes a second. So, please be sure to click. 

Under current U.S. law, our government is telling countless individuals with HIV that they are banned from the U.S.

A repeal to the ban is in the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Please click here to tell Congress that we expect them to support the repeal.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quick DFW, the San Francisco Chronicle, and "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage"

I was lucky enough to be a guest on Leah Shafer's pocast "Girltalk" two weeks in a row. You can listen to both interviews at Quick DFW's website. Just click on "Girltalk" on the right hand side of the screen.

And be sure to check out the San Francisco Chronicle for a piece about me and "Open" by Talia Kennedy. I had such a great time talking to her, I almost forgot I was being interviewed!

More Tour Stops

Well, I'm headed back to San Francisco this weekend and I can't wait! I'll be reading at Good Vibrations at 7:00p.m. on Saturday, July 12th and the event will be followed by a birthday celebration for none other than Carol Queen. I'm so excited!

Next week, I'll be in Austin, Texas at Book People, also at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 16.

And then I'm off to the East Coast. I'll be reading at Writer House in Charlottesville, Virginia on Friday, July 18th at 7:00p.m.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hitting the Big Time - in the Polyamory and Open Marriage Universe Anyway

A really wonderful piece came out about me yesterday in The Observer - UK. I hope you'll have a look and let me know what you think! 

Just so you know, it does have a few little bumps - like calling me a swinger and saying Jemma lives with us - neither of which is correct - but overall it is a beautiful piece and I am very grateful to Louise France for writing it. I also want to thank Martha Camarillo for the gorgeous photo and Rey Medrano for doing such a smashing job on my hair and make-up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have been getting some really nice write-ups from fellow bloggers. You can check them out at:


Open Marriage on Morning TV

This morning I appeared on KTLA's Morning Show. There were four hosts and they had lots of questions! I had a really good time answering them. And I think it was pretty good preparation for if I ever get invited to be on The View!

You can check out the clip at the KTLA website.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On the Road Again with "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage"

Book Woman in Austin, Texas turned out to be a great event with wonderful people in attendance. We stayed at the marvelous Mansion at Judges Hill, which I would highly recommend. The place is gorgeous and the staff is fabulous! I hope to see you again July 16 at Book People.

I head out to Los Angeles today and I hope you'll join me at the In the Flesh reading series at Freddy and Eddy on Thursday, June 26 at 8:00 pm.  I'll be reading along with Regina Lynn, Maggie Marr, Rob Roberge, and Eugene Robinson

Expect lots of talk about sex, polyamory, sex technology, racy pasts, and, well, more sex...

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Open Book and My Open Marriage

My latest newsletter went out late last week. If you didn't receive one and would like to, go to my website and sign-up today! It's filled with news and information about where I've been and where I'm going, as well as info about the plethora of  press "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" has been getting.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Open" in Austin

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be reading Saturday night, June 21 at Book Woman in Austin, Texas at 7:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's Next?

I had a blast in Portland and back in Seattle. The Center for Sex Positive Culture was amazing. The room was packed and we got into an amazing conversation. Thank you so much Allena and John!

This weekend I'll be in Austin at Book Woman, which I'm really excited about. And next week I'll be in LA, reading at Freddy and Eddy in a series called In the Flesh. The line-up is amazing and I can't wait to meet my fellow authors and readers.

It's an exciting time for polyamory and open relationships. And I am so thrilled to be a part of it!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Open" on the West Coast

My apologies for not writing in so long. It has been a crazy two weeks. I had a great time in San Francisco! Thank you so much to Denny and Evie for putting me up and Denny for toting me all over town. A girl couldn't ask for a better entourage. I also want to thank the amazing Carol Queen at the Society for Sex and Culture. It was such a thrill to meet her after having studied her work when I was in college. She was terrific to me!

The event at Cody's Books when really well and the very next day I flew out to Seattle to read at Elliott Bay Book Company. What an amazing store. Thank you so much to Bill and David for giving me a place to rest my weary head and for showing me the town! This morning I appeared on AM Northwest. The hosts were fantastic. Tonight, it's off to a reading at In Other Words

More soon...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

DFW Quick and Sadie Magazine

Leah Shafer wrote an amazing piece about my new book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" for the Dallas publication Quick.  

And Josie Schoel from Sadie Magazine also did a stellar interview piece that's now posted on the Sadie Magazine site.

Be sure to check them out!

Thank you so much Leah and Josie!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jenny on the Road

The book tour has begun, and it's going fabulously so far! I had a great time on the Ronn Owens radio show and on the afternoon television show View From the Bay yesterday. I've also had two great readings, one at The Center for Sex and Culture and the other at Book Passage. Tonight I head to Cody's in Berkeley. 

Looking forward to lots more to come. I'll keep you posted as new things get booked. And don't forget to let me know what you think of the book. I love hearing from you!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Monday Night!

Just wanted to let everyone know that there was an error on my website saying that my Monday reading at the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco was at 9:30. It's actually at 7:30. Hope to see you there!

Oh What a Night

Last night was my book launch and signing at Buli cafe, and it was fabulous! Thank you so much to everyone who came. And an extra special thanks to Scott Whittal for hosting the party and for the amazing cake. It was gigantic and had an image of the book's cover right on it. And to top it off, over-size, faux engagement rings were nestled in the surrounding frosting. I loved it and so did everyone in attendance. The best part was it was as delicious as it was pretty.

I signed lots of books and had some really fascinating conversations. It definitely was the perfect kick-off for my reading and media tour. 

If you couldn't attend this event, I hope you'll be able to make it out to another. I hit the West Coast starting on Monday. You can find my daily evolving schedule at my website when you click on calendar

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I need your help.

Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, the Governor of California is receiving large numbers of phone calls from the supporters of "Limits on Marriage" (the constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in California) about his comment to a group of Log Cabin Republicans that he would NOT support a constitutional amendment. 

We don't want him to go back on his word.

He must hear from us too. 

To voice your support for the Supreme Court decision establishing the right to same-sex marriage:

1) Call 1-916-445-2841.
2) Press 1, 5, 1, 1 at the prompts.
3) Hang up and tell all your friends and family that they need to call too.

It literally takes less than a minute and is completely automated. It would be so sad to take two steps back after we've finally taken such an important step forward.


Friday, May 23, 2008

They just keep coming...

There's a very nice piece by Daniel Kusner in this week's Dallas Voice about my new book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage." You can read it on the Dallas Voice site or grab a copy from newsstands if you're in the area.

You will also find two amazing (and one awful) review of "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" at Amazon. Be sure to check them out. The writing and the content are really stellar. Thank you so much to "K. Walker" and "Shodanart."

In addition, there's a fabulous review at Powell's Books, also incredibly articulate and generous. Many thanks to "sociologist." You can read it at the website.

I had a wonderful interview this morning with writer Carly Milne. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out her heart-breaking and mind-opening memoir, Sexography.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Richmond Magazine

Richmond magazine is running a Q & A with me in their June issue. You can check it out online at their site or pick one up at the newsstands if you live in the area. 

I used to live in Richmond, Virginia, which is why they're running it. It's a really nice piece and mentions my new book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" right in the opening paragraph.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On the Front Table at Barnes and Noble

Well, I can hardly believe it. But I walked into a Barnes and Noble in Chicago, IL on Saturday and there was my new book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage." It was right on the front "New Non-Fiction" table in between Willie Nelson's and Ariana Huffington's books. It's already shipping from Amazon too. When you get a chance to read it, I hope you'll stop by my site and let me know what you think. From all the national press the book and the topic of polyamory in general is getting, I'm starting to think that being open just might not be so "alternative" after all...

And speaking of not so alternative anymore - Three cheers for California where gay marriage is now legal. It's about time. Now, if we could just get the rest of the country to follow suit as well as keep the anti's from over-turning it. For the whole low down and ways you can help, check out the Human Rights Campaign website

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Be sure to check out this month's issues of Glamour and Marie Claire. Both contain Q & A's about me and "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage."

Make sure you sign up for my newsletter at The second edition goes out tomorrow and the drawing for a signed copy will take place on the official release date, June 1.

Amazon is now showing the book as "in stock," so orders should be going out soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Open" Review in Library Journal

I received two very nice reviews from two separate reviewers at Library Journal. (They have a new "Tag Team Review" component and "Open" is number 4 in the series.) Here are a few highlights:

"Is Open an engaging read, likely to promote discussion and perhaps heated debate? Certainly."

"Block skillfully blends her story with research on sexuality, monogamy, adultery, and divorce (sources wisely appended). She makes compelling arguments against the biology of monogamy, argues that our modern configurations are a recent invention (post 1940), and cites adultery and divorce rates of 40 to 50 percent...This honest and compelling memoir should spark a respectful dialogue about the underground status of open marriages. Some readers will feel relief, many will be aroused or curious, and others will definitely be insulted."

"This is brave, brave stuff, colleagues. Buy it. Read it. Love it, if you can." 

You can find the complete reviews on the Library Journal website.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

"Open" Review in Publishers Weekly

It wasn't a full-on rave. But it wasn't too bad either. Here are the highlights:

"She writes movingly of how her perfect marriage unraveled...Block is unstintingly honest in her depictions of an open marriage's sexual and emotional entanglements...Readers are likely to be challenged and provoked by this book's insights into the surprising fluidities in fidelity and sexuality."

If you want to read the whole thing, you can find it on the Publishers Weekly site. Just scroll down on this page till you hit it.

I'm told that around 300,000 books are published a year and only 7,000 a year are reviewed by Publishers Weekly. Not too shabby... 

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Portrait of an Open Marriage. Take Two.

"Portrait of an Open Marriage" is the piece I wrote for Tango Magazine over two years ago that inspired the writing of my book, "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage." (It was also reprinted on and by Cosmopolitan (Germany)). People have been commenting on the piece at ever since. Some of it very kind. Some of it anything but kind. I have no problem with people's comments, even the negative ones. But since so much has changed for me since I wrote that piece, a lot of the comments are irrelevant. So, I wrote a new piece for Tango called "Portrait of an Open Marriage. Take Two." I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Indoctrinate Your Children Before It's Too Late

Check out my latest entry at Huffington Post. It's about all of the things I think we should tell our children if we are ever to combat all of the hate and the "isms" out there in the universe. Be sure to let me know what you think!

How sweet is she?

This morning I woke up to find the sweetest blog post at a wonderful blog called Frangipani. I hope you'll check it out and bookmark her site for future visits. I am always impressed by both her terrific writing and her thought-provoking ideas. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Podcast - The Buli Salon - Starring me!

Okay, so I wasn't the star. But I was one of three guests at a fabulous gathering called The Buli Salon. Every week, Rick Vanderslice, famed NPR radio personality of days gone by, invites three guests to sit around the square table in the "library corner" at the fabulous coffee shop, The Buli Cafe, and talk about the issues of the day.  It's just like the French salons of years past. Check it out this week and every week. It's gaining popularity fast. So fast that even itunes has picked it up already! Real people discussing real topics in a civilized, respectful - yet still exciting and controversial - way. What a concept...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Big Word Project

Check out my latest blog entry at Huffington Post. It's about a very cool project where you can actually  buy words. It's called the "Big Word Project" and when you buy a word there for a dollar a letter, you get to redefine it by connecting it to your own website. Very cool concept. But get there quickly. A bunch of words I wanted for myself were already taken. I did however buy a few... poly, polyamorous, polyfidelity, Block, and marriage. Open and polyamory were already taken.

It's an especially interesting concept for those of us in the poly community. Words are so vital in getting people to understand who we are and who we aren't. If nothing else, I hope this project gets people talking about the power of words and the ways in which we define them.

Friday, April 11, 2008

National Sexual Assault Awareness Month: If we want to live honest lives, we have to tell the truth

My most recent blog is up at Huffington Post. I hope you'll check it out and leave me a comment about what you think. And, if you dig it, I hope you'll "buzz it up" and email it to everyone you know!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Writing for Good - Carly Milne, Sexography, and RAIIN

My friend Carly Milne, author of Sexography, is doing this very cool fundraiser to raise money for RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network). Basically, bloggers write about sex (me being one of those bloggers), you read the posts, and then you donate money to RAINN because you enjoyed reading the post! Be sure to enter the code GBBMC2008 in the "in honor of" box so they know that Carly's fundraiser led you there. 

If you'd like to participate on the writing end of this event, click here to find out how.

Feel free to donate now or stay tuned for my writing on everyone's favorite topic...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sample Chapter of "Open"

Chapter One of my new book "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" is now available on my website. If you have the chance to read it, I would love to hear what you think. 

Friday, April 4, 2008

Huffington Post

My latest blog entry is up on Huffington Post. It's titled, "Women Want Their Sexuality Back -- Now. And Opening Marriage Just Might Help" and it's started a bit of a conversation. I hope you'll come by and check it out and join the discussion if you feel so inspired.

Seal Press

My amazing editor at Seal Press, Brooke Warner, blogs regularly at their site. And this morning I was so thrilled and surprised to see that yours truly and my new book "Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage" was the subject of today's entry. I hope you will not only check out their blog today, but that you will also bookmark it to read everyday. There is always something insightful and thought-provoking from Brooke and her fellow blogger Krista Lyons-Gould, Seal Press' Publisher.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Practical Polyamory

Well, who would have thought my blog at Huffington Post would have caused such a clamor. It was picked up by Yahoo and my friend and colleague Anita Wagner was kind enough to link it to her site, as well as discuss it further there. In addition, she posted a comment about it at Huffington.Thank you, Anita. People sure can say the most unkind things. I appreciate you responding so intellectually and generously. Comments like pastgone's used to upset me. Now they just make me sad. Be sure to check out Anita's site Practical Polyamory for all sorts of great info, advice, and commentary. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Huffington Post

Good news! I'm going to now be blogging regularly at Huffington Post. So, I hope you will come check out my work there as I will be taking a hiatus from while I do. For those of you who have sent questions via email, my blog, my website, or, be sure to check in as I will be answering those questions as I blog. Here's my first official post as a Huff Po blogger - Open Relationships: What the World Already Has.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Survey on Polyamory

Anthropologist/Sexologist Dr. Leanna Wolfe of Los Angeles Valley College is conducting a multiple partners survey. Just taking it was interesting, as I had difficulty answering some of the questions. In other words, even a pro has a tough time accounting for all of the permutations and language that go along with open relationships and polyamory. If you take the survey I'd love to hear what you think. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I almost forgot. Be sure to mark your calendars for Polyday. Sounds like an event not to be missed!
I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to some folks because I don't think most people do that often enough. I know I don't. 

I want to thank everyone who has been commenting on my article at Tango magazine and linking to the article at their own sites. This morning I want to specifically thank and for linking to my piece.

I also want to send out an extra special thank you to the travel writers with whom I am on a press trip as we "speak." Never before have so many people spent so much time talking and listening and asking questions and giving advice for no reason other than to help a fellow writer. Be sure to check out their fab travel sites. 

Monday, March 3, 2008

the f word

I love this response on "the f word. contemporary UK feminism"  site to Regina Lynn's article on about polyamory. First, because it is a practicing monogamist supporting the choice.We (read, women) really do need to all stick together regardless of how many partners we choose. But, second, because it recognizes that geeks are the movers and shakers. Remember that dork no one would go to prom with? He's now a zillionaire. Thank you Silicon Valley. The response also points out how anti-feminist monogamy can be, being as it is grounded in patriarchy. Feminism is about choice and, when it comes to relationships, polyamory should certainly be one of them. 

Friday, February 29, 2008

Internet Pushes Polyamory to Its 'Tipping Point' has a great little piece on polyamory this morning. Talk about coming out into the light. It is so exciting to see articles like this that make polyamory seem so natural and so clear, which I certainly think it is. Thank you to Regina Lynn for writing this piece.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Polyamory in the News: Tasmanian big love

Another great polyamory piece. Thank you to Alan for the find!

Polyamory in the News: Tasmanian big love

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I joined a number of polyamory related tribes last week. I wasn't sure how much I would use the site. But I was interested in who might be there and what they might have to say. And I have to tell you, I have been delighted with the results. First off, I was welcomed by a number of members straight away, which I found very appealing. I didn't feel like an outsider skulking around, but instead immediately felt like part of the group. Then I posted my first question. The responses were insightful and intelligent and made me excited to post again - which I did today. I think the only problem with this site might be that it could be a hard habit to break. There is something very attractive about knowing there is a group of like-minded people all over the world prepared to work through any number of problems or questions or topics with you. All you have to do it "say" the word...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Practical Polyamory: Polyamorist Wins an Oscar!

Nothing like Hollywood to give your cause a boost. Hey, you take it where you can get it when it comes to gaining visibility for something too many people have the wrong idea about.

Practical Polyamory: Polyamorist Wins an Oscar!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Surprised in St. Croix

I spent the weekend before last on a press trip in St. Croix (beautiful island, by the way) and I went into a well-known shop on the island called Sonya Ltd. I wanted to buy a pair of hook bracelets (an item very popular with residents and lovers of the island ) for my girlfriend and I. I was having trouble deciding which ones to choose when I noticed that the shop had gotten quite full. I turned away from the counter in order to elicit some advice.

"Which one do you like better?" I asked the gaggle of handsome gay men in front of me.

"It depends," one of them answered. "Who is it for?"

"Well, I'd like to get matching ones for my girlfriend and I."

"Your girlfriend girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "My girlfriend girlfriend." The woman I was shopping with, a new acquaintance also on the press trip I was on, then chimed in.

"Oh no," she said. "She didn't mean that. She's married."

"I am married," I said. "But I also have a girlfriend." Eyebrows raised and faces questioned. "I'm in an open marriage."




"I actually have a book coming out about it," I said. And it was amazing. Everyone in the shop turned around and started asking me questions about when it was coming out and how long it took to write and do I have a business card and where can they find info about it online. It was great. I felt incredibly validated. I mean, I want to think the work I'm doing is important. But it's hard not to wonder every once in a while whether anyone will be interested. 

As I paid for the bracelets the girl helping me said, "It's really great what you're doing. Really brave. I admire you. And I can't wait for the book to come out."
I handed out cards all around and assured them I'd email them about my book tour dates.

I left the shop feeling good about the fact that even though there are plenty of people who prefer the ignorance is bliss way of life, there are just as many - if not more - people who are longing to explore how life could be instead of settling for simply how it is.

Friday, January 4, 2008

On Both Sides Now

In the past twenty-four hours, I have interviewed and been interviewed. Both still make me equally nervous. But for very different reasons. When I interview someone, I want them to feel comfortable. I want them to like and respect me. Most of all I want them to open up to me. I want to somehow be different from the zillion other people who have interviewed them. I want my questions to allow them to think, to muse as opposed to regurgitate.

When I'm being interviewed, I worry about misrepresenting myself. How does one come off confident but not self-centered, intelligent but not know-it-all, witty but not laughable? How do you reveal only exactly what you want to reveal without looking as if you have something to hide? How do you say "I'm a nice, smart, funny, kind girl who you'd like. Honest. And I have something to say that you'll want to hear." How?

I don't know yet. But I figure I can only stand to get better at both by practicing both. Something I hope to have plenty of opportunities to do as my book comes out and my writing career sallies forth. Until then, I suppose I will have to make friends with those butterflies that appear every time I hear or say, "So, I just have a few questions for you..."