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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prop 8 is Prop Hate - My Latest Blog at HuffPo

Be sure to check out my latest Huff Po Blog about Prop 8 and the hate it will institutionalize if it's passed. 

If you live in California - vote "No" and if you have friends or family there, tell them to vote "no" too!

1 comment:

  1. I live in a cohousing community of 30 families in Sonoma County, about an hour north of San Francisco. We finished construction in 2003 and have lived mostly in harmony ever since. One of our families is a lesbian couple who have added to the quality of life in our community in so many ways. Many of us went out and campaigned with them to defeat Prop 8 - we all mourn together the wave of fear generated to deny good people equal rights in this, our American nation.

    Matt Kramer - Mediatorguy
